Not sure about you, but I am a sucker for a good feel-it-in-your-gut kind of rom-com. The one that leaves you warm and fuzzy and asking for more!
So my movie-buff husband found us a new movie to watch last Friday night Your Place or Mine.
The movie begins with a one-night-stand that morphs into a lifelong friendship between Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher.
I have to admit, I have a bias for Reese Witherspoon, before even going in, I knew I would like the movie. But then, they went ahead and topped it for me!
She is a mom of a 13 years old in California, and she is so freaky relatable! Her outfit choices, her home, her relationship with her son… couldn't get any closer to home! And her friendship with Ashton, just so beautiful! I was invested into the movie and their relationship right off the bat!
After grinning from ear to ear and shedding a few happy tears, I declared my never ending love for Reese Witherspoon and a good story that hits home!
Isn’t that the power of a good story, it just reels you in. You are rooting for the characters, you smile on their triumphs and wipe your tears when things do not go right for them.
We are naturally drawn to people when we know their story. That's why when I get on the call with you or ask you to fill the questionnaire I ask about your story. I want to know you as the person you are and not as the subject behind my camera. I know the moments I am capturing for you are priceless, I add a little bit of my heart in it when I know what it really means to you.