Why sunrise might be the best time for a Summer Maternity Photoshoot

Congratulations on your pregnancy! What an exciting time in your life! Maternity is such an amazing journey filled with equal amounts of anxiety and hope and love and longing. You will soon be holding the baby of your dreams in your arms. Isn’t this such a miracle?
I know you never want to forget what it feels to have a life grow inside of you. So let’s document this beautiful journey to parenthood?
I have written a complete guide to your Maternity Photo session, be sure to reference that if you have any questions. Here I want to specifically talk about Sunrise Maternity photoshoots in Summer. Temperatures are rising and I know the heat is so troubling you right now, but we do have a fix!

Summers and Maternity do not really get along well!
That’s a no brainer right? California summers are hot and the Sunset Golden hour, albeit beautiful, does not help with the heat at all. All the summer sun gets you pretty hot and sweaty and tired and that is not a recipe for a fun Maternity Photoshoot, am I right?
That’s why I recommend my moms-to-be to schedule a Sunrise Maternity Photoshoot. Summer sunrises are beautiful and so much cooler and you never have to worry about being overheated, like ever!
You are anyways up early
With pregnancy comes the early morning wakings, I guess your body is preparing you for what is coming!
So if you are up early every day, instead of tossing in bed and being uncomfortable, why not use that time to do something fun? Believe it or not, Sunrise photoshoots are actually so much fun! There is such a thrill watching the sun come up and fill the entire surrounding with warmth and light. Trust me, you would love to be out there!
More energy in the morning
If you are anything like me, you have so much more energy in the morning.
And if you are anything like the next-door-pregnant-woman, you know you will be so tired by the time evening rolls in, especially if you are in the tail-end of the pregnancy.
Let’s utilize the extra ounce of energy you have first thing in the morning and get your Maternity Photo session in! The beautiful time you will spend at your Maternity Photoshoot will keep you smiling for the rest of the day.
Crowds are way smaller
I mean, do I even need to go there? There is something about the Bay Area and the crowds that fill up every possible beautiful location! But if you are an early bird, chances are we will have the entire park to ourselves and not to mention the entire parking lot at our disposal. Right? Although a little audience never hurts, not having to worry about photoshopping the photobombs out is such a delight.

Light is gorgeous
Like every photographer I am obsessed with light. Beautiful light! And I will tell you this, whenever we are on a vacation, I beg my daughter to be my muse for a sunrise photoshoot because the light is that good!
The light at sunrise is just simply magical! It’s soft and beautiful and just gorgeous. It bathes everything it touches into this remarkable golden hue.
You will not regret getting photographs in this light!
The atmosphere is more peaceful
Kept the best one for the last! There is something about Sunrise that makes you so much more hopeful and content and fills you with love and warmth. It's such a representation of the journey you are on and the beautiful life growing inside of you. The memories we will create on this sunrise photoshoot will be cherished for years to come and will always remind you of this beautiful hopeful day.